TA Standards

General Information Regarding Graduate Student Assistantships

Graduate students often receive an assistantship in their department or other university offices while pursuing their degree. Graduate assistants may teach, conduct research, or perform other tasks that contribute to the student's professional development.

To monitor compliance with university policies and Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requirements, it is imperative that the proper appointment classifications be used for teaching assistants. It is the responsibility of departments that employ graduate teaching assistants to establish the appropriate job code according to teaching responsibility. The Graduate School and the Human Resources Office will verify the requirements for each classification and are the offices to contact if there are any questions. Access Job codes at Human Resource Office.

Graduate students that become teaching assistants (TAs) support the teaching mission of the university. Almost all departments offer teaching assistantships to assist with the college or departmental teaching effort. Duties can range from serving as a grader to teaching a course. Such appointments depend on experience and training, and range in time commitment from ten to twenty hours per week. Stipends vary from discipline to discipline, but each discipline attempts to be competitive in its area. Assistants receive nine hours of tuition waivers each term from their respective department in addition to the stipend.

Contact the chair or director of graduate studies in your college or department for more information.

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