2013 - 2014 PIE Associates

  • "PIE offers graduate students a chance to tap into a network of interdisciplinary ideas and resources. The greatest asset of this program is the chance to meet grad students in other programs and share our experiences in the classroom."--Kate Pierson, School of Theatre
  • "As a member of one of the largest departments on campus, housing over 150 graduate students, I came to PIE with a set of expectations on size, funding, instruction style, etc. Through my PIE-related experiences I have come to experience the diversity of various departments, big and small. This program has exposed me to change and invited me to follow through with it."--David Moody, English
  • "Being a PIE Associate has helped a great deal in my professional development. This program has connected me and my academic department to the FSU teaching community. Getting to know instructors from around the university has been a run and rewarding experience."--Rebecca Redmond, Sociology
  • "Serving as a PIE Associate was a unique opportunity to reflect on my teaching practices after hearing the experiences of others. Highly recommended for anyone who cares to be a good instructor."--Rob White, Economics
  • "Being a PIE Associate has enriched my relationship with our faculty and graduate TA's. It has allowed me the opportunity to take on a leadership role and explore better methods or ways to unite the graduate students and help them move closer to their personal goals. It's been an extremely rewarding experience and I would encourage anyone interested to apply for a PIE Associate position within their department."--Amanda Lee Krueger, Interior Design
  • "PIE is the answer to the TA's burning question: Am I doing this right?"--Joy Post, Nutrition, Food, and Exercise Science
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